Posts Tagged ‘lifestyle’

Exercise is Part of My Routine

February 11, 2009

I have been exercising for years, mainly using the treadmill, and following aerobic tapes.  In the recent few years, I have been going to the gym and joining step and yoga classes.  A regular routine of one hour each time, 3 times a week exercising has been keeping me in shape for many years.  Of course, this has to be coupled with a healthy diet of more vegetables and less fatty meat.  Recently, I have joined a private yoga class with a dozen friends.  I find that private yoga class is better than the ones at the gym.  Private tutor will help with your correct postures and movements.  I think this is important for properly benefiting from yoga and also preventing injuries.  While I was doing yoga in the gym, there wasn’t really anyone watching over us and I find that I was just following the girl beside me for doing poses.  From the recent private yoga class, I found that there are many poses that I wasn’t doing correctly in the past.  If you are interested in yoga, pay attention to proper postures or have someone who can teach you.  Here are some useful resources I found: